8k Student Debt Calculator

How Long Will it Take to Pay Off $8,000 in Debt?
Try the loan payment calculator to calculate a monthly payment.
per month
Calculate how long it will take to pay off $8,000 in debt. This can be used for any type of debt, such as student loans, credit card debt, a mortgage, etc. What is the minimum payment needed to pay off 8k in debt? You will need to pay at least the interest. To pay off $8,000 in debt you will need to pay more than the amount listed below so that the loan balance will not grow over time.
Browse the payment table below to view minimum monthly payments to avoid debt from growing over time.
Interest Rate Minimum Payment
1% $7/month
2% $13/month
3% $20/month
4% $27/month
5% $33/month
Interest Rate Minimum Payment
6% $40/month
7% $47/month
8% $53/month
9% $60/month
10% $67/month
Browse the payment table below to view monthly payments based on pay off time and interest rate.
Years 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%
Pay off 8k in 1 Year 673.91 681.20 688.53 695.91 703.33
Pay off 8k in 2 Years 340.32 347.40 354.56 361.82 369.16
Pay off 8k in 3 Years 229.14 236.19 243.38 250.69 258.14
Pay off 8k in 4 Years 173.56 180.63 187.88 195.30 202.90
Pay off 8k in 5 Years 140.22 147.33 154.66 162.21 169.98
Pay off 8k in 6 Years 118.00 125.16 132.58 140.27 148.21
Pay off 8k in 7 Years 102.14 109.35 116.87 124.69 132.81
Pay off 8k in 8 Years 90.25 97.51 105.13 113.09 121.39
Pay off 8k in 9 Years 81.00 88.33 96.05 104.15 112.63
Pay off 8k in 10 Years 73.61 81.00 88.82 97.06 105.72
Pay off 8k in 11 Years 67.57 75.01 82.94 91.32 100.16
Pay off 8k in 12 Years 62.53 70.04 78.07 86.60 95.61
Pay off 8k in 13 Years 58.28 65.85 73.98 82.65 91.83
Pay off 8k in 14 Years 54.64 62.27 70.50 79.31 88.66
Pay off 8k in 15 Years 51.48 59.18 67.51 76.45 85.97
Years 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%
Pay off 8k in 16 Years 48.72 56.48 64.92 73.99 83.67
Pay off 8k in 17 Years 46.29 54.11 62.65 71.86 81.70
Pay off 8k in 18 Years 44.13 52.02 60.65 70.00 79.99
Pay off 8k in 19 Years 42.20 50.15 58.89 68.36 78.50
Pay off 8k in 20 Years 40.47 48.48 57.31 66.92 77.20
Pay off 8k in 21 Years 38.90 46.97 55.91 65.63 76.06
Pay off 8k in 22 Years 37.48 45.61 54.65 64.49 75.06
Pay off 8k in 23 Years 36.19 44.38 53.51 63.48 74.17
Pay off 8k in 24 Years 35.00 43.26 52.48 62.56 73.39
Pay off 8k in 25 Years 33.91 42.23 51.54 61.75 72.70
Pay off 8k in 26 Years 32.90 41.28 50.69 61.01 72.08
Pay off 8k in 27 Years 31.98 40.42 49.92 60.34 71.53
Pay off 8k in 28 Years 31.11 39.62 49.21 59.74 71.04
Pay off 8k in 29 Years 30.31 38.88 48.56 59.20 70.60
Pay off 8k in 30 Years 29.57 38.19 47.96 58.70 70.21