Value of a Dollar in 1932 - Inflation Calculator


  • What was the value of a dollar in 1932? How much was inflation from 1932 to now? What was the average inflation?
  • We use data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculates the prices of things throughout the United States over time. This data is published to show the inflation rate.
  • The inflation for the year is calculated as the inflation from the first of the year to the first of the year. This could be a discrepancy among other calculators.
Browse by Amount
Amount in 1932 Value in 2024
$0.01 0.21
$0.02 0.42
$0.03 0.63
$0.04 0.84
$0.05 1.05
$0.06 1.26
$0.07 1.47
$0.08 1.68
$0.09 1.89
$0.10 2.10
$0.15 3.15
$0.20 4.20
$0.25 5.25
$0.30 6.30
$0.35 7.35
$0.40 8.40
$0.45 9.45
$0.50 10.51
$0.55 11.56
$0.60 12.61
$0.65 13.66
$0.70 14.71
$0.75 15.76
$0.80 16.81
$0.85 17.86
$0.90 18.91
$0.95 19.96
Amount in 1932 Value in 2024
$1 21.01
$2 42.02
$3 63.03
$4 84.04
$5 105.05
$6 126.06
$7 147.07
$8 168.08
$9 189.09
$10 210.10
$11 231.11
$12 252.12
$13 273.13
$14 294.14
$15 315.15
$16 336.16
$17 357.17
$18 378.18
$19 399.19
$20 420.20
$25 525.25
$30 630.30
$35 735.35
$40 840.40
$45 945.45
$50 1,050.50
$75 1,575.75
Amount in 1932 Value in 2024
$100 2,101.00
$200 4,202.00
$300 6,303.00
$400 8,404.00
$500 10,505.00
$600 12,606.00
$700 14,707.00
$800 16,808.00
$900 18,909.00
$1,000 21,010.00
$1,100 23,111.00
$1,200 25,212.00
$1,300 27,313.00
$1,400 29,414.00
$1,500 31,515.00
$1,600 33,616.00
$1,700 35,717.00
$1,800 37,818.00
$1,900 39,919.00
$2,000 42,020.00
$2,500 52,525.00
$3,000 63,030.00
$3,500 73,535.00
$4,000 84,040.00
$4,500 94,545.00
$5,000 105,050.00
$7,500 157,575.00
Amount in 1932 Value in 2024
$10,000 210,100.00
$11,000 231,110.00
$12,000 252,120.00
$13,000 273,130.00
$14,000 294,140.00
$15,000 315,150.00
$16,000 336,160.00
$17,000 357,170.00
$18,000 378,180.00
$19,000 399,190.00
$20,000 420,200.00
$25,000 525,250.00
$30,000 630,300.00
$35,000 735,350.00
$40,000 840,400.00
$45,000 945,450.00
$50,000 1,050,500.00
$75,000 1,575,750.00
$100,000 2,101,000.00
$200,000 4,202,000.00
$300,000 6,303,000.00
$400,000 8,404,000.00
$500,000 10,505,000.00
$600,000 12,606,000.00
$700,000 14,707,000.00
$800,000 16,808,000.00
$900,000 18,909,000.00
$1,000,000 21,010,000.00