Cost of Coca Cola in 1947 Adjusted for Inflation

The cost of a 6.5 ounce glass or bottle of Coca Cola was $0.05 in 1947. How much is that worth in current dollars when taking inflation into account? Calculate the value now of a 6.5oz glass or bottle of Coke in 1947 at 0.05.

$0.05 from 1947 to 2024 adjusted for inflation. We use the Consumer Price Index provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They aggregate prices over time to determine the CPI.
How much is 0.05 in 1947 worth in current dollars?
What was the rate of inflation since 1947 on 0.05?
How has the cost of living changed since 1947?
What was the value of $0.05 in 1947? Every year, the US dollar is usually worth less due to inflation. We calculate what $0.05 in 1947 is worth now.